Exemplary Sites Promoting Forest and Woodland Conservation
Forests and woodlands provide a great deal of economic value by filtering the water and air we breathe, providing habitat for creatures that are vital to the continued balance of the ecosystem, and providing the raw materials for wood and paper, which are integral to the manufacturing of many products. Conserving and maintaining healthy forests and woodlands is in the best interest of anyone working in the field of forestry, or any field that depends on forests, such as:
- Forestry, agroforestry, and land management
- Logging and timber industries
- Construction
Conservation of forests doesn’t mean completely halting all logging activities and other harvesting of forest products. It is possible to continue cutting down trees for making wood and paper while keeping healthy and sustainable forests alive indefinitely, so that we can continue to benefit from their water and air filtration and many other ecological benefits. The sites listed here are all about protecting woodlands and rainforests while still making efficient use of their resources. These sites are not ranked, but classified by subject matter.
Conservation Organizations
Many conservation organizations have branches that promote conservation of all types of natural resources, from fresh water to ocean ecosystems to prairies, woodlands, and forests. Sustainable tree farmers, and even producers of wood products, are also included in this group.
Center for International Forestry Research
The CIFR conducts research that enables informed and equitable decision making about the use and management of forests in less-developed countries. They try to help policy makers and practitioners shape effective policy and improve the management of tropical forests.
More About Conservation: Science for forests and people
World Agroforestry Centre
The Centre’s mission is to generate knowledge about the diverse roles that trees play in agricultural landscapes. They use their research to advance policies and practices, to benefit the environment.
More About Conservation: The impact of research
The Nature Conservancy
The Nature Conservancy focuses on urgent issues, such as conserving land, water and habitats to make an impact in climate change and fresh water availability. They work in all 50 states and over 30 countries to create lasting change and preservation of natural resources.
More About Conservation: Green living
National Parks Conservation Association
NPCA’s mission is to protect and enhance America’s National Park System. They help manage national parks, as well as conduct research on natural resources found there.
More About Conservation: Center for Park Research
Rainforest Alliance
Sustainable forestry is one of the main goals of the Rainforest Alliance. They work to certify, validate and verify products that have been created by companies working to conserve resources.
More About Conservation: Forest facts
National Forest Foundation
The National Forest Foundation was chartered by congress and one of its main objectives was to restore ecosystems a through on-the-ground conservation. The y also work to engage all American in the country around them
More About Conservation: Programs
Wildlife Alliance
Wildlife Alliance is the leader in direct protection to forests and wildlife in the Southeast Asian tropical belt. They combat deforestation, wildlife extinction, climate change,and poverty by partnering with local communities and governments.
More About Conservation: Reforestation
Arbor Day Foundation
The Arbor Day Foundation has dozens of programs dedicated to planting and nurturing trees in communities all over the country. From college campuses to national forests to helping replant after national disasters, Arbor Day works with dedicated volunteers to get trees where they’re needed most
More About Conservation: Replanting
Forest Ethics
Forest Ethics is very focused on the end consumer – helping to educate people on where companies get their products, and if they have a high impact on the environment. Forest Ethics works to provide hands on, practical tips to move people’s money away from irresponsible corporations and towards companies that care about the earth.
More About Conservation: Thriving Forests
Ecotrust Canada
Ecotrust Canada hopes to build the conversation economy in the sectors of forestry, fisheries, and energy. They promote innovation and enable First Nations and enterprises to green and grow their local economies.
More About Conservation: Pioneering a new forestry approach
WildEarth Guardians
WildEarth Guardians protects and restores wildlife, rivers, and spaces in the American West. Their four programs focus on wildlife, wild places, wild rivers, and climate and energy.
More About Conservation: Clean waters, wild forests
Save the Redwoods
Save the Redwoods works passionately to ensure the Redwood forests throughout the state of California are maintained in the highest regard possible. They also implement programs to help with reforestation, conservation, and training programs on Redwood trees.
More About Conservation: Get Involved
European Forest Institute
The European Forest Institute (EFI) is an international organization established by European States. EFI conducts and promotes research and provides policy support on issues related to forests. It facilitates and stimulates forest-related networking, and promotes the supply of unbiased and policy-relevant information on forests and forestry. It also advocates for forest research and the use of scientifically sound information as a basis for policy-making on forests.
More About Conservation: What science can tell us
Ancient Forest Alliance
The AFA is a British Columbian organization working to protect the endangered old-growth forests of BC and to ensure sustainable forestry jobs. They also attempt to undertake new, democratic land-use planning processes to protect endangered forests based on new First Nations land-use plans and other assessments.
More About Conservation: Groups protest logging in Qualicum Beach watershed
Dogwood Alliance
Dogwood Alliance mobilizes the public and exposes the truth about forest destruction to inspire action. They have convinced some of the world’s largest corporations to transform their environmental practices and take action to improve forest conservation.
More About Conservation: The companies that want our woods
International Tree Foundation
The International Tree Foundation works with communities in Africa. Forestry projects help to increase their income, food security, and soil and water quality is increased through growing trees.
More About Conservation: Resources and Links
Forest Service Employees for Environmental Ethics
FSEEE’s mission is to protect national forests and to reform the U.S. Forest Service by advocating environmental ethics and educating citizens. They produce and distribute publications to increase awareness of needed Forest Service reform and facilitate communications between reformers within and outside the agency.
More About Conservation: Forest Magazine
Central Sierra Environmental Resource Center
CSERC protects areas within areas within the Northern Yosemite region of the Central Sierra Nevada. Each year they deal with clear-cutting, new road construction, huge new development projects, the spraying of pesticides, destruction of wildlife habitat, and other threats to wild places and open space.
More About Conservation: Recent Successes
International Analog Forestry Network
IAFN activities include capacity building, demonstration site development, and certification systems. They work with diverse groups from around the world and have published a wide variety of documents on diverse topics relating to biodiversity and restoration.
More About Conservation: Publications
Oregon Forests
OFRI offers key programs to help collaborate on forest issues in Oregon. Professional development, conferences, classes and research help to reach forest scientists, public agencies, community organizations, conservation groups and forest landowners.
More About Conservation: A tree farmer’s lament
Native Forest Council
The mission of Native Forest Council is to fully protect and preserve every acre of publicly owned land in the United States. They believe in a reevaluation of land practices that are less devastating to current resources.
More About Conservation: Logging
Wilderness Land Trust
The Wilderness Land Trust works to acquire land from private holders and protect it from the threat of mining, logging, oil and gas drilling and development. This helps stem massive changes and depletions in wildlife and resources.
More About Conservation: Wilderness Protected
Sierra Nevada Forest Interactive
This group’s main goal is to stop clear-cutting in California. This under regulated act is devastating to all forms of natural resources along the Sierras.
More About Conservation: NONE
TreePeople’s mission is to inspire, engage and support people to take personal responsibility for the urban environment. Expanding the tree canopy over LA is one of their central goals.
More About Conservation: Forestry programs
Community Cloud Forest Conservation
CCFC has a number of diverse initiatives including restoring illegally deforested areas, teaching children the art of appreciation, helping farmers become more effective and self-sufficient, discouraging agricultural burning and preventing wild fires. Their conservation efforts go a long way in restoring resources and communities.
More About Conservation: Reforestation
Forests Forever
Forests Forever has helped California roll out forestry reform efforts and policies. Through education, legislation, and continued effort, they have defended much of California’s woodlands.
More About Conservation: Accomplishments
The work of FERN centers around forests and forest peoples’ rights. The issues they work on things such as trade, investment and climate change.
More About Conservation: Forest Law Publications
Tanzania Forestry Research Institute
TRRI conducts, coordinates and promotes the Forestry research. They also ensure documentation and dissemination of research results for sustainable forest management within the country.
More About Conservation: Plans and Programs
American Forests
This organization uses good research and science to provide hands on, practical help in saving and restoring forests in America. Since 1990, they have planted more than 40 million trees, restored watersheds to help provide clean drinking water, and replanted trees after huge fires.
More About Conservation: Programs
NZ Native Forests Restoration Trust
NZ Native Forest Restoration Trust owns 27 reserves throughout the North Island with a total of more than 6,000ha of protected native forests. With this land, they promote the regeneration of forests, protect important species and restore their habitats and to improve the quality of our waterways.
More About Conservation: News and Events
WWF Forest Conservation
WWF combines cutting edge science, new perspectives from partners and our decades of on-the-ground experience to help answer questions about agriculture, carbon, and wildlife. They’ve fought for the creation of national parks and other protected areas, as well as a reliable forest certification plan.
More About Conservation: Forests for a living planet
Ontario Forest Research Institute
Researchers at this institute are working to better understand forests and their responses to human activities. What they learn helps ensure that Ontario’s forest management policies, planning, guides, and practices are firmly rooted in science.
More About Conservation: Ontario Wood
Awaaz Foundation
The Awaaz Foundation is an integral piece of the conservation landscape, often spearheading some of the most important campaigns relating to issues such as biodiversity in forests, protecting trees, sand mining, and noise pollution. The site has an impressive amount of information on a wealth of issues that those in the field will find useful.
More About Conservation: Sand Mining Press Coverage
Tropenbos International
Tropenbos International helps develop policy and drive action related to forests preservation and protection. By working with non-profits, forest managers, and policy makers, they enable forest-dependent individuals and communities to have more stability.
More About Conservation: Projects
Klamath Forest Alliance
The Klamath Forest Alliance helps to promote sustainable ecosystems and maintain the biodiversity present in the Northern California and Southern Oregon area. They center their work around rivers and streams, noting the large number of fish that have been unable to live fruitful lives in these water sources today.
More About Conservation: Klamath / Siskiyou Bioregion
Integrated Conservation Research, Inc.
Integrated Conservation Research, Inc. helps to find sustainable solutions for combatting the world’s deforestation problem, namely in rainforests. The site is loaded with useful educational information and detailed practices on conservation and preservation.
More About Conservation: Goals
OpenTreeMap is a software tool that tells the story of each city’s urban forest. It helps analyze current planting projects and where ecosystems are in each city.
More About Conservation: Analyze
Sacred Seedlings
Sacred Seedlings is an international forest conservation and economic development program. Their intent is to help combat climate change, make communities more sustainable and resilient, protect wildlife habitat, and generate plenty of clean and green jobs.
More About Conservation: Deforestation
Forest Stewardship Council
The Forest Stewardship Council was created in response to the failure to create sustainable practices at the Earth Summit in 1992. As a result, the organization was formed to combat deforestation and help preserve forests with approaches tailored to the circumstances present in each.
More About Conservation: Mission and Vision
ThisForest identifies a stark cultural difference from previous times, which is that it used to be much easier to identify where wood came from. This is a crucial distinction because it made people much more cognizant of the work being done to forests across the world.
More About Conservation: Philosophy
International Model Forest Network
The International Model Forest Network has an interesting place in the landscape of conversation and illustrates global issues through more than 60 model forests around the world. By bringing together various international interests, they’re most aptly situated to create more sustainable practices.
More About Conservation: What is a Model Forest?
Bombay Natural History Society
The Bombay Natural History Society was started over 130 years ago with the notion that preservation must be based around scientific research. They’ve been an integral part to India developing the latest sustainable practices in the world.
More About Conservation: Research
Rich Forests
Rich Forests is an impressive organization that helps connect local farmers and entrepreneurs to social enterprises throughout the world to promote the latest in sustainable practices. They work in over 20 countries and have been an integral part to the bettering of rural and poor communities worldwide in forest communities.
More About Conservation: Why Rich Forests
Battle Creek Alliance
Battle Creek Alliance is a public interest group that advocates to sustain water, air, soil, and wildlife by raising public awareness of issues currently being faced. With the prevalence of clear-cutting forests having only increased in recent years, it’s become even more crucial for the way we view forests to change.
More About Conservation: Aerial Views
Conservation International
Conservation International is one of the most comprehensive organizations in the world for creating practices that are not only sustainable, but realistic in their implementation. They work on social issues related to animals, deforestation problems, maintaining water sources, and much more.
More About Conservation: Initiatives
Rainforest Action Network
Rainforest Action Network helps protect individuals living in rainforests and create practices that are not detrimental to their lives. They’ve helped develop countless plans for making rainforests more sustainable across the world.
More About Conservation: Our Work
Forests.org keeps people up to date with the latest developments in forest protection news and details how to become further involved. Additionally, the site has a comprehensive alert system that many will find very useful.
More About Conservation: Alerts
Society of American Foresters
The Society of American Foresters shows how all sorts of people are getting active in foresting and why forests are such an integral part of culture and creating health practices for communities and our world at large. With a wealth of educational tools and an impressive selection of publications, this site is very useful to those involved in conversation.
More About Conservation: Education
Sierra Forest Legacy
Sierra Forest Legacy helps to promote and educate people on issues that impact the Sierra Nevada region and work with other organizations to improve their effectiveness. The site is also a wonderful source on issues relating to forest planning, restoration, and useful resources for people to use.
More About Conservation: Forest Conservation
Save America’s Forests
Save America’s Forests looks at deforestation across America and what we can do to make it more sustainable. It’s a useful site for anyone who wants to see the damage done domestically to forests. Additionally, it’s dense with information on how to get further involved.
More About Conservation: America’s Beautiful Forests
Global Forest Coalition
The Global Forest Coalition works with non-profits and other organizations to create policies on forests that are not detrimental to indigenous populations or other forest people. The site has some of the best information relating to the history of the abuse of these populations.
More About Conservation: Agrofuels & Bioenergy
Rainforest Protection
Rainforests, especially in the Amazon region of South America, are among the most productive ecosystems in the world, and also the most heavily harvested. There are many organizations working to prevent the clearcutting of rainforests and instate more sustainable harvesting schedules.
Rainforest Conservation Fund
The RCF is committed to Ensuring the future of tropical rainforests through practical solutions. They work along the Amazon basin of northeastern Peru protecting large areas of land and species of animals.
More About Conservation: Sustainable management of natural resources
World Land Trust
WLT does not put its own staff in charge of operations, but relies on local expertise. It emphasizes the importance of supporting local conservation groups and always works through local partners.
More About Conservation: Books for conservation
Raincoast Conservation Foundation
Raincoast is a team of conservationists and scientists using research to protect the lands, waters and wildlife of coastal British Columbia. They study coastal species and processes and use that knowledge to influence policies for the better.
More About Conservation: Rainforest wolves
Save the Rainforest
Save the Rainforest supports efforts to conserve and protect the tropical and temperate rainforests around the world. They offer tips for sustainable living as well as preservation and conservation news and ways to get involved with conversation efforts.
More About Conservation: Rainforest Facts
Caño Palma Biological Station
This biological research station is located in the tropical coastal rainforests of Costa Rica. They run regular monitoring projects in which students, graduates and keen conservationists can gain valuable tropical work experience.
More About Conservation: Flora
Save The Rainforest, Inc.
Students who have traveled with Save the Rainforest are often inspired to pursue careers in conservation, research and education. Save the Rainforest trips also benefit environmental organizations in Latin America, helping them to generate the revenue needed to safeguard forests.
More About Conservation: Trips
Rainforest Rescue Coalition
The Rainforest Rescue Coalition works to support sustainable relationships between humans and nature. Most of their works centers around raising money for donations towards and conservation initiatives through direct action campaigns.
More About Conservation: Education
Friends of Gondwana Rainforest
Friends of Gondwana Rainforest is a UK charity organization that highlights the plight of the remnant rainforests of the ancient continent of Gondwana. Friends of Gondwana Rainforest not only want to inspire private holders of Gondwana fragments to conserve and protect them, but also to provide practical help.
More About Conservation: Get Involved
Rainforest Concern
Rainforest Concern is based in the UK and was established to protect threatened natural habitats and the biodiversity they contain. They also work to protect the indigenous people who still depend on these areas for survival.
More About Conservation: Rainforest facts
Planting Peace
Planting Peace has purchased and protected 624 acres of Peruvian Amazon rainforest. They have also helped to plant one million trees to help curve deforestation.
More About Conservation: Our work
Iwokrama International Centre for Rainforest Conservation and Development
The Iwokrama forest and its research center are provide a dedicated site in which to test the concept of a truly sustainable forest. This allows them to study the ecological and economic value of a standing forest.
More About Conservation: Sustainable forestry
Rainforest Agrarian International Network, Inc.
Rainforest Agrarian International Network, Inc. confronts the problems faced today that inhibit rainforests from thriving in the way needed to create sustainable practice. They mostly combat issues such as soil erosion, deforestation, lost rural livelihoods, and poverty in rainforest areas.
More About Conservation: Problem
Conservation Research
Forests contain thousands of species of plants and animals whose lives are intricately linked. The loss of any one species can dramatically affect the viability of the ecosystem, as well as its usefulness to humans.
Seattle University Center for Environmental Justice and Sustainability Research
One of the research programs at the Center for Environmental Justice and Sustainability is forest conservation which investigates if and how monetary payments impact forest conservation in community managed forests in Ecuador. As part of the study, Seattle University undergraduate students will have the unique opportunity to travel to Ecuador to conduct case study research.
More About Conservation: What you can do
Agricultural Research at Purdue
Purdue researchers work across disciplines and engage partners from various industries, academic institutions, non-government organizations, as well as state and federal government organizations. They work together to build a sustainable and secure food production system and strengthen ecological and environmental integrity in agricultural landscapes.
More About Conservation: Plant sciences
University of Cambridge Department of Plant Sciences Research
The Plant Sciences Research department at Cambridge offers research, training, and teaching in botany that translate to real life job opportunities and important initiatives in conservation. Students go on to work in a number of fields, including studying and working to preserve rainforest ecosystems.
More About Conservation: Research
WeForest has several missions that go hand in hand, including alleviating poverty and restoring ecosystems. Their education, training, and other resources go a long way in the success of these missions in several locations across the globe.
More About Conservation: Projects
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Sciences
NRES provides outstanding undergraduate and graduate educational opportunities. Graduates go on to work in environmental science and natural resource management positions in government, corporations, consulting firms, and non-governmental organizations.
More About Conservation: Landscape and Ecosystem ecology
Foothills Research Institute
FRI promotes research and understanding of natural resources – focusing specifically on forests. it reports research results to its partners, government agencies, and the public for better policies and conservation efforts.
More About Conservation: Climate Change, Landscape and Wildfire
International Forestry Resources and Institutions
IFRI has research centers all over the world collecting information on foresting communities and conservation. They also work for to understand the role of governance and policy in forestry and communities.
More About Conservation: Breaking The Link Between Commodity Agriculture And Deforestation
Cornell University Forest Connect
ForestConnect connects forest users to the
knowledge and resources needed
to ensure sustainable production
and ecological function on
private forest lands. They provide information and answers for those with questions about projects and land usage.More About Conservation: Forest owners
University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point Treehaven Field Station
The University of Wisconsin – Stevens Point Treehaven Field Station took upon itself to create a research center focused on creating practices that will most benefit trees in the long term. They work to foster an educational environment that benefits all through sustainable practice.
More About Conservation: Calendar of Events
University of Minnesota, Department of Forest Resources
he core mission of the Department of Forest Resources is to advance the science and management of forest and related natural resources. Their students go on to be practitioners and leaders in these areas, and to serve the citizens of the state.
More About Conservation: Students
University of Alaska Fairbanks, Agricultural and Forestry Experiment Station
Researchers associated with this experiment station in Alaska focus on creating knowledge and solving problems in agriculture and the forest sciences. State and federal agencies, private industry, and the university sponsor and fund AFES research.
More About Conservation: Research
Duke University Nicholas School of the Environment
This school’s programs center around sustainability and positive environmental changes. Students are challenged and prepared to play a role in implementing solutions to environmental problems around the world.
More About Conservation: Environmental Sciences and Policy Division
Natural Resources Research Institute at the University of Minnesota Duluth
This research center in Minnesota focuses on researching natural resources to provide the tools, knowledge and experiential training required for sound short and long term environmental and economic decisions.
More About Conservation: Forest biomaterials
Forest and Wildlife Research Center – Mississippi State University
The Forest and Wildlife Research Center at Mississippi State University researches forestry, forest products, and wildlife and fisheries. Their goal is to conserve, develop, and expand resources through research, technology and other activities.
More About Conservation: Forest economics and policy
University of Arizona Laboratory of Tree-Ring Research
The Tree-Ring Lab is recognized worldwide as a preeminent center for the advancement of tree-ring techniques. Their research is used in a broad number of social and environmental sciences.
More About Conservation: Research
University of Idaho Forest Resources
University of Idaho offers a degree program in Forest Resources that arms students to work in a forest conservation or fire prevention program. Since so much of Idaho’s land is forest, this degree is perfect for someone looking to help manage state resources or work abroad.
More About Conservation: B.S. in Natural Resource Conservation
University of Florida, IFAS, School of Forest Resources and Conservation
This team at University of Florida works to develop genetically-improved varieties of southern pines. Through faster growth and greater disease resistance, new improved varieties of slash pine can yield 40-55% more usable wood at harvest than unimproved varieties.
More About Conservation: School of forest Resource and Conservation
University of Tennessee Research in Forestry, Wildlife, and Fisherie
University of Tennessee offers a degree program for those interested in forestry, wildlife, and agriculture. Their research tracks support education in wetlands, trees, wildlife and other natural resources.
More About Conservation: Tennessee Tree Improvement Program
West Virginia University: Environmental Research Center
The programs at the research center at WVU hope produce a well-trained workforce capable of operating and developing new environmentally-based technologies and industries. Their research and education is meant to create and promote new policies that will lead to a healthy environment and a strong economy.
More About Conservation: Area of emphasis
University of Washington School of Environmental and Forest Sciences
The programs at University of Washington focus on the sustainable development of products from natural resources, as well as the sustainable management of environments that include wilderness and park-like ecosystems, planted forests, and urban environments. Their education goals work towards facing challenges in environmental and natural resources management throughout the world.
More About Conservation: Academic Programs
University of Washington: Research on Human Dimensions of Urban Greening
This research project features peoples’ perception and behaviors regarding nature in cities. Their research focuses on trees and transportation, nature and consumer environments, and other urban nature landscapes.
More About Conservation: Urban forestry and human benefits
The Arnot Teaching and Research Forest
The Arnot helps support the teaching, extension, and research. Woodlot management, forest ecology, ornithology, and resource economics are some of the courses that conduct field exercises at the Arnot.
More About Conservation: Conservation education
Budongo Conservation Field Station
BCFS uses research and conservation to ensure sustainable management and use of the Budongo Forest. They welcome scientists and students from any institution to be part of this research program and work on projects aimed at conserving the forest resource base.
More About Conservation: The Forest
University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point Schmeeckle Reserve
The Schmeeckle Reserve at University of Wisconsin serves 3 distinct purposes: a refuge for wildlife, a living laboratory for students, and a place of recreation for the community. It is an integral part of several programs at the university.
More About Conservation: Wildlife and Habitats
West Virginia University: The Appalachian Hardwood Center
The center was established in 1987 by the West Virginia Legislature to provide technical and research support for the state’s growing wood products industry. The AHC serves sustainable natural resource-based businesses and communities as well as private forest landowners and natural resource professionals.
More About Conservation: AHC Resources
Piney Woods Conservation Center
The mission of the Arthur Temple College of Forestry and Agriculture is to maintain excellence in teaching, research and outreach. They work to enhance the health and vitality of the environment through sustainable management, conservation, and protection of forests and natural resources.
More About Conservation: Forestry News
Clemson University Forest Resources Management
This academic program is great for anyone looking to go into a career in a field like forestry, environmental and natural resources, biology, fisheries, wildlife conservation or something similar. It prepares students for research, resource management, and other challenges in today’s changing environmental landscape.
More About Conservation: Experimental Forest Certified as Sustainable
Ohio Agricultural Research and Development Center
The OARDC is committed to stewardship of natural resources and the environment, sustainable food and agricultural systems, and strong rural and urban communities. Here, domestic and international students and scholars are always researching advanced education and technology in food, agricultural, family and environmental issues.
More About Conservation: Resources
The Family Forest Research Center
The goal of the FFRC is to conduct relevant research that helps understand the social and economic dimensions of family forestry. They promote sustainable forest management to meet the current and future needs of landowners, communities, and society.
More About Conservation: Current Projects
Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute
CTFS conducts long-term, large-scale research on forests around the world. Their goals through this research are to guide sustainable forest management and natural-resource policy and monitor the impacts of climate change.
More About Conservation: Science initiatives
Yale Global Institute of Sustainable Forestry
Global Institute Publications publish research reports about sustainable forestry and other environmental issues. Their research reports help shape policy and help students grow in understanding about conservation, forestry, and environmental impact.
More About Conservation: NONE
Harvard Forest
Harvard Forest connects scientists, policy developers, the media, and the public to better address some issues facing forests across the world. They offer classes, internships, and research opportunities for many types of individuals looking to advocate for forests.
More About Conservation: Data Archives
Northeastern States Research Cooperative
The Northeastern States Research Cooperative bills itself as a “Knowledge guide to the future of Northern Forest communities.” The site offers forest management guidelines and publishes the findings of forest research projects
More About Conservation: Nitrogen Deposition and Saturation in Wilderness Areas of the Northeastern United States
Supplementary Materials
These sites cover a range of topics related to forest conservation, land management, sustainable wood production, and other relevant topics.
Mountain Research and Development
This paper describes the need for innovative policies and actions for sustainable forest conservation on Changbai Mountain. It summarizes the ecological significance of forest vegetation on Changbai Mountain and current civilization based threats to resources.
More About Conservation: NONE
Collins FSC Certified Forests
Collins FSC Certified Forests is a collection of three forest systems that are certified for their sustainable measures and practices. They also emphasize the added benefits they provide to surrounding communities via economic benefits of these forests.
More About Conservation: The Company
Idaho Forest Product Commission
Idaho Forest Product Commission helps to promote sustainability across Idaho forests while taking into consideration local economies that benefit from the work done. By maintaining a balance between the two, the organization is able to contribute some of the most worthwhile work in the field.
More About Conservation: Resources
Forest Trends
Forest Trends is an international non-profit organization that recognizes the value of natural ecosystems, and promotes this view by connecting policy-makers, businesses, communities, and investors. FT was formed in 1998 and is based in Washington, D.C.
More About Conservation: Forest Trade and Finance