What Do You Love About Working In Environmental / Forestry Management
More Answers From Forestry Professionals
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What is something you love about environmental management? What I like about what I currently do is the direct impacts I have. My role is kind of twofold. I do a lot of corporate policy, so helping create corporate policies for what we do, how to meet regulations, how to better manage what we do, and also meet all kinds of ESG standard stuff. It’s above my head, but also I’m working with guys. Are boots on the ground anywhere from an engineer to a mechanic who’s working on a truck to a jet mechanic? Aircraft mechanics will work with airport authorities and we’re all trying to work toward a similar goal. It’s how we manage the stuff that we have in my role. What I do is I bring my expertise and say, you know, here’s the best way to do it. Or, hey, no, this is what the law says. Here’s what we need to do. It just encompasses so many different fields within it. You have the hard sciences, you have the bio, the ecology, but there’s also law, social justice, landscape, architecture, education. If you love the environment and you’re not necessarily into the hard sciences, you will find something you can do in this major, in this field no matter what. One of the things that I’ve been able to see as I’m just working with so many different people is how complex, specifically fire management, but just habitat forest management in general is in that you have to work with so many different groups of people that have very different goals where they’re coming from, how they want to manage the land, whether that’s for resource benefit, whether that’s for wildlife, whether that’s for people that may own land or have cattle grazing on it. So I think one of the things that I really like is being able to work with, especially my coworkers, but then also on larger incidents that people we work with, it’s just really neat to kind of get a broader view of Forestry and Environmental management from different perspectives and see how kind of what we’re doing in our small portion of it is contributing to the broader goal, which is managing the environment for resource and human and animal benefit. To me, understanding how to best preserve our planet while also teaching others is the true passion of mine. I would say being able to teach others is what I truly love and what drives me daily. I love that both of those are majors or industries that 100% believe in science. They are science based. In my experience, working outside, obviously, and a huge one, but also just the people that you work with. There tends to be a little overlap and interest and passion. You have people working in environmental studies.

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Director of Operations
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Logistics Project Manager
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Corben Tannahill
Supply Chain Management
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Nathan Cunningham
Logistics Professional
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Alexander Jassemidis
Supply Chain & Procurement
2 Years Experience
Best Online Forestry Degree Programs
Forestry degree programs are offered at the certificate, bachelors and master’s degree levels. Offered in both campus and online forestry degree formats, a degree in forestry can lead to careers in conservation, wildlife management, agriculture, natural resources, and environmental science.
Forestry degree programs are also called: Environmental Management & Policy, Environmental Science, Natural Resources and Sustainability, among others. If you’re interested in a career working in the outdoors, or with plants and ecology, wildlife and agriculture, or on sustainability issues, a forestry degree is an excellent choice. Below you’ll find accredited online forestry degree programs that will prepare you for your career in forestry and conservation science: